Vista Buttons v5.7 released (March 24, 2011)
11 hi-quality icon sets are added,
1800+ icons in total! All icons are
available with Business version only.
* Text alignment for submenu items and text-based buttons.
V5.7 Icon Packs:
Vista Buttons v5.5 released (October 28, 2010)
Dark Glossy,
Flat Glossy,
Light Glossy,
Glow styles:
74 button themes,
50 menu templates,
58 button templates.
* Fully updated plugins for Dreamviewer CS 5, Expression Web 4.
* 'Page Insert' wizard! Simply click inside the page to select where you want the menu to appear and press "Insert After". No more HTML editing required!

* Bug fixes.
V5.5 Templates:
V5.5 Icon Packs:
V5.5 Button Templates:
V5.5 Themes:
Vista Buttons v5.0 released (April 15, 2010)
* Now the menus are fully accessible even if javascript is turned off, as a pure css menu.
iPad styles :
148 button themes,
75 menu templates,
60 button templates.
24 hi-quality icon sets are added,
1400+ icons in total! Most icons and templates are
available with Business version only.
* CSS-like syntax for padding and border width in submenus, e.g:
0 1px 0 2px.
* Text offset for normal and hot states.
* Apply icons for button and submenu arrows. Right click on the selected icon and choose where you want to use it:
Button Templates:
Vista Buttons v4.5 released (January 19, 2010)
* New templates with image border and image background for submenu!

* Vista Buttons now provides plugin for Expression Web 3.
* New hi-quality themes for image buttons and menus.
Live demos:
Toolbars Samples
Rounded Styles
Rounded Corner Style
Theme screenshots:
* The generated code is fully XHTML compliant now.
German version of the website is added.
Dutch version of the website is added.
Italian version of the website is added.
Swedish version of the website is added.
Vista Buttons v4.3 released (August 6, 2009)
* New hi-quality themes for image buttons with shadows and transparency:
* "Button templates" tab in the theme window with hundreds of fresh image buttons.

Just select template you like and type a text label!
* New font rendering options are added:
- subpixel rendering;
- glow effect;
- customizable shadow;

* Easy and Advanced mode.

Portuguese version of the website is added.
Vista Buttons v4.1.1 released (June 23, 2009)
* New hi-quality
iPhone and
Windows 7 themes with shadows for image buttons.
"iPhone" theme

"Windows 7" theme (available with Business version only)

* Re-created Web2.0 themes.

* The target link to pdf files opened twice with target=_blank in Internet Explorer.
French version of the website is added.
* New Brazilian (Portuguese) language is added.
* Minor changes in Theme Editor
Vista Buttons v4.0 released (May 27, 2009)
* Exact adjustment for button image color. Now you can fine tune the color of top-level
image buttons using hex value or color control.

* Option for Mac-style font smoothing.

* Wide improvements in Theme Editor.

* New hi-quality
"Glossy Round" theme for image buttons.

* New Hebrew language is added.
Vista Buttons v3.91 released (April 22, 2009)
* Additionally to Dreamweaver and FrontPage extension, Vista Buttons now
provides plugin for
Expression Web. Create, insert, modify a menu without leaving
your favorite web design framework!

Notice that your menu won't function in Preview mode of Expression Web. You should preview your page in the browser.
"File/Preview in browser/IExplore" to display the page live (in Internet Explorer).
* 3 new hi-quality icon collections are added:
Mango (96 icons), Vista(107 icons),
Glossy (106). Glossy and Vista themes are available with Business version only.

* New tutorials:
- How to create a menu with
Dreamweaver extension.
- How to create a menu with
FrontPage add-in.
Watch at
Vista Buttons v3.70 released (April 13, 2009)
Now Vista Buttons integrates with Dreamweaver and FrontPage as an
extension/add-in. Create, insert, modify a menu without leaving your
favorite web design framework!
During the installation you'll be prompted to select if you'd like to install available plug-ins.

Notice that you will be able to install plug-ins if Frontpage or Dreamweaver are installed on your computer only!
Dreamweaver plug-in:

Frontpage plug-in:

Notice also that your menu won't function in Design mode (Dreamweaver) or Preview mode (FrontPage). You should preview your page in the browser.
"File/Preview in browser/IExplore" to display the page live (in Internet Explorer).
Vista Buttons v3.05 released (March 16, 2009)
* An error "Invalid Pointer operation" appeared after clicking on the themes list.
* It was not possible to specify different frame names as target property for buttons and subitems.
* New option to create
text-based top items is added! Such menu will be loaded more quickly on your website (in comparison with image-based navigation).
Menu structure is comprised of HTML nested UL and LI tags. Standards compliant menu structure is simple to customize and update.

* Video tutorial -
How to create a text-based menu using Vista Buttons. See It Now!
* You can create your own buttons from all supported image formats (.bmp, .jpg, .gif, .png) using Theme Editor now!
* The optional automatic preview of the generated html page with the menu in the default browser is available. Go to "Tools / Export Options..." to enable this option.

* XP Web Buttons project file format support.
* New languages are added (Swedish, Czech, and Danish).
* New blank theme is added (Blank theme). Use this theme to create a menu with icons as button's themes.
See a screenshot for more info.
* New icons -
178 new icons are added (available in Home License) and
290 new icons are added (available in Business License).

Video Tutorial! Created: Jan 20, 2009
* Video tutorial -
Create a simple menu using Vista Buttons. See It Now!
* Video tutorial -
How to create web menu with Vista Buttons. See It Now!
New languages! Vista Buttons v2.81 (Jan 20, 2009)
* New languages are added (Japanese, Italian, Spanish).
Vista Buttons v2.81 released (Nov 06, 2008)
* New languages are added (Bahasa Malaysia, French).
* New icons -
100 new icons are added (available in Business License only).

Vista Buttons v2.79 released (Sep 30, 2008)
* Google Chrome support is verified!
* Detailed hints for all interface controls are added
* New languages are added (German, Dutch, Polisch, Romanian, Hungarian)!
Vista Buttons v2.73 released (Sep 01, 2008)
* "Save all menu params to js file" option, see 'Tools/Export Options'.

If checked, all params will be saved to one .js file
If not, the menu structure will be placed to HTML code
* Support for submenus transparency

* Drag&drop support to open Vista Butons projects
* Fresh look
3613 new web2.0 hi-res icons are added (most available with Business License only)

* In some versions of Windows OS the black backgound appeared in the list of themes
* The target link opened twice with target=_blank in submenu
* It was not possible to change Saturation/Lightness parameters not changing Hue in Theme Editor
* An error appeared during writing into the .ini file on MS Vista OS
Vista Buttons v2.45 released (Jan 23, 2008)
* Ready to use templates are added. It helps you to apply samples easily.
* XP Web Buttons project file format support.
* Now you can choose image format when export button images.
* Submenu item's tool tips weren't saved.
* New icons -
1000 new icons are added (available in Business License only).
Vista Buttons v2.27 released (Oct 25, 2007)
* Icon themes were added. It helps you to apply icons easily.
* New icon themes:
Click to see all icons
* All icons in several sizes (up to 256x256)
Vista Buttons v2.10 released (Sep 10, 2007)
* Undo/Redo
* Separators for submenus
* Names of images now don't change with every new export to HTML
* Recent used files list in "File" menu
* Default folder for projects and html files moved to current user My Document folder
Vista Buttons v2.0 released (Aug 1, 2007)
* Unlimited levels of submenus
* Icons can be added for submenu items
* Arrows for the buttons and subitems
* Windows Vista icons' support
* Selection of buttons and icons using mouse
* Multiple selection of submenu items with Ctrl or Shift
* Highlighting the chosen template
* Optimization of menu styles
* Export to .BMP format
* New samples
Vista Buttons v1.17 released (May 2, 2007)
* Option to show arrow if the top button has submenu
* Minor fixes in generated html, js, css files
* 7 new themes for buttons and submenus
Vista Buttons v1.0.3 - First Release!